Competitions Bench Press
February 15 at 10:30 at the Palace of arts under the slogan "Sport against drugs," and "Healthy Youth - strong Russia!" For the first time in our city sports festival held Russian press.
Organized by the Kirov regional organization "Dinamo", Children and Youth Centre in October district of Kirov and the College of Law of the International Police Association, KROO "Police Association." At the competition was attended by representatives Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Kirov region, SU SK Russian Kirov region, Marshals Service and the police.
The competition was attended by boys girls under the age of 18 years - from orphanages and boarding schools, as well as cadets - students of educational institutions of the city of Kirov region and having the appropriate sports training and admission of the doctor. The competition was held under the current rules Russian press.
The event program was held on the following plan:
10.00 - registration of participants of the festival;
10.30 - opening parade featuring banner group;
10.45 - bench press without equipment fixed weight to the number of times according to the weighty age categories 12-13 years, 14-15 years, 16-17 years;
Weight rod is listed categories: for boys - 25 kg, 45 kg, 65 kg, for girls - 20 kg, 25 kg, 30 kg, respectively.
13.00 - awarding.
The best results among girls showed:
- Simtsova Angelica (Orphanage Kirov). Result: the bar (20kg) - 11 times;
- Gradoboeva Irina (Muryginsky correctional home). Result: the bar (20 kg) - 21 times;
- Shabardina Darina (boarding school for children of school age). Result: the bar (25kg) - 10 times.
The best results among boys showed:
- Dmitry Melnikov (Novovyatskiy boarding school). Result: the bar (25kg) - 25 times.
- Eugene Kondrashov (Muryginsky correctional home). Result: the bar (35kg) - 40 times.
- Сомароков Дмитрий (Школа-интернат Слободского района Кировской области).
Результат: штанга (45кг) – 18 раз.
At the final construction mastermind competitions, coach sports club "Green" Vladimir Reshetnikov expressed gratitude to all the children's homes and boarding schools for their participation in the tournament one of the most popular sports weightlifting.
Each participant received a gift and a sweet prize - wristband for sports, and all the teams were awarded cups. Representatives of the sports club "Green" promised that in the near future be sure to visit boarding schools and try to involve their students for classes in weightlifting.
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