Statute of the Kirov Region (Russian Section)
of the International Police Association
Kirov, 2009
1.1. Kirov regional public organization «Police Association», hereinafter – «Organization», was established in accordance with the Federal Law of 5/19/1995 number 82-FZ «On Public Associations».
1.2. The organization operates in the territory of Kirov region.
1.3. The organization operates in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation, the Charter of the Organization.
1.4. The organization has the right to participate in the events which are held by the Russian public organization «All-Russian Police Association» as well as in events held by different state, public and religious organizations, enterprises and institutions if they meet the goals and objectives of the Organization.
1.5. Name of the Organization:
1.5.1. Full name: Kirov regional public organization «Police Association».
1.5.2. The abbreviated name in Russian: KROO «Police Association».
1.5.3. Location of the permanent governing body: Kirov region, Kirov city.
1.5.4. The organization is noncommercial and is not engaged in political activities.
2.1. The organization was established in order to:
2.1.1. Increasing the authority of law enforcement agencies and improving relations between the police and the public;
2.1.2. Improvement of professional skills, exchange of experience and knowledge, expanding the members’ outlook in the Organization;
2.1.3. Organization of mutual help in the social field; development of cultural connection between the members of the Organization;
2.1.4. Development of mass sport and health and fitness activities among members of the Organization;
2.1.5. Development of the peaceful coexistence of the world’s people.
2.2. For achievement of these objectives the Organization intends to accomplish the following tasks:
2.2.1. To develop personal contacts between members of the Organization by the organizing mutual visits for groups and individually; to agree on joint celebrations, holidays and different events and to lead to the development of correspondence;
2.2.2. To develop social and cultural activities, to encourage the exchange of professional experience;
2.2.3. To contribute to the increasing of the law enforcement agencies’ authority and to help to improve relations between the police and the public;
2.2.4. To facilitate the expansion of international youth contacts;
2.2.5. To contribute to the exchange of publications on issues of activities of the Organization, the provision of law enforcement and public safety, both in Russia and all over the world;
2.3. The principal activities of the Organization are (the subject of activity):
2.3.1. Organization of personal contacts between members of the Organization, Russian and foreign countries’ law enforcement bodies staff by mutual visits in groups and individually, organization of joint celebrations, fests, holidays, etc.;
2.3.2. Organization of international youth meetings for children of the Organization’s members;
2.3.3. Legal work for the law enforcement officers;
2.3.4. Law education and professional orientation of citizens, promoting the authority of the law enforcement bodies and improving relations between them and the public;
2.3.5. Protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolution of disputes and conflicts, legal and social assistance for members of the Organization, law enforcement officers and their families as well as for citizens;
2.3.6. Providing of targeted material assistance to members of the Organization and their families; to the retired law enforcement officers, or unable to work in the performance of official duties and to members of the dead employee’s families;
2.3.7. Organization and holding of entertainment events, conferences, seminars, symposiums and business meetings, etc.;
2.3.8. Establishment of creative groups, advisory councils, commissions, including the involvement of foreign specialists;
2.3.9. Development, publication and distribution of literature, training manuals on legal issues, on issues of personal security, the protection of various forms of ownership and other branches of knowledge;
2.3.10. Holding of activities for attraction of Russian and foreign investors for implementation the programs of the legal training of citizens, providing personal, commercial and environmental security and social programs (creating of jobs, building of houses, etc.);
2.3.11. Creating the recreation centers, camps of work and leisure; entertainment, sport and recreation, health diagnostic and treatment complexes;
2.3.12. Creation and maintenance of the club’s and the Organization museum’s activities;
2.3.13. Legal and informational service for members of the Organization;
2.3.14. Implementation and lease of fixed assets and property of the Organization.
2.4. For the implementation of activities needed licensing, the Organization is obliged to obtain the appropriate licenses.
2.5. The organization may engage in entrepreneurial activities only as it serves to achieving statutory objectives for which the Organization was established and it meets these goals. It is possible for the Organization to use its funds for the charity activities.
3.1. Since the moment of state registration, the Organization is a juridical person, has its own balance, settlement, currency and other accounts in the banking entity, a form, a round seal with its name, stamps. The Organization has the right to have its own emblem.
3.2. For implementation of the statutory goals and objectives, in the manner prescribed by the law the Organization has the right:
3.2.1. To make transactions and other legal acts on its behalf with natural and juridical persons in the Russian Federation as well as abroad, to acquire property and personal non-property rights, to act obligations, to sue and to be sued in court, arbitrage and in arbitration;
3.2.2. To acquire property, to rent, to use the other proprietary right and to receive movable and immovable property and land allotments as a gift in the Russian Federation and abroad;
3.2.3. To possess, to use financial and material resources and to dispose of them;
3.2.4. To disseminate information on the Organization’s activities;
3.2.5. To represent and protect its rights and legal interests of the Organization’s members and other citizens in the state power bodies, local self-government and public organizations;
3.2.6. To participate in decisions of the state power bodies and local self-government in the manner and to the extent stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
3.2.7. To take initiatives on various issues of public life and to make proposals to the state government bodies;
3.2.8. To establish economic partnerships, companies and other economic organizations, as well as to acquire property intended for business activity;
3.2.9. To establish annual awards for the most distinguished law enforcement officers and members of the Organization, as well as scholarships to the best and to financially needy students of educational institutions of the law enforcement;
3.2.10. To provide material assistance to family members of the law enforcement officers who died in the performance of service and civic duty in the defense of law, life, health and rights of citizens;
3.2.11. To allocate funds for the education of children of the Organization’s members both in Russia and abroad or (and) to fund their transportation costs to schools, youth activities and joint trips together with parents.
3.2.12. To obtain licenses for the types and kinds of activities which require them according to the legislation;
3.2.13. To attract and receive voluntary contributions, donations of state, public organizations, private persons, companies and organizations as well as of citizens in the form of monetary funds, property, securities and donations;
3.2.14. To buy and sell securities in accordance with the current legislation;
3.2.15. To pay in and place monetary funds, including foreign currency, in credit institutions at interest as well as to invest them in other income-generating stocks, including securities;
3.2.16. To determinate the organizational structure, staffing, procedures and forms of remuneration, work and rest mode of the paid staff independently;
3.2.17. To send specialists to the regions of Russia and foreign countries on business trips, for training and retraining for studying and learning about the experience and activities of the Organization, gathering business information, participation in conferences, negotiations, exhibitions, establishments of business contacts, to accept foreign specialists;
3.2.18. To hold conferences, symposia, lectures, seminars, meetings, cultural programs, exhibitions, auctions, lotteries and other activities both independently and with the assistance of domestic and foreign natural and juridical persons in the manner prescribes by the law;
3.2.19. To provide financial and other assistance (including the transferring property for usage) to the organizations and citizens for implementation of the Organization’s projects and programs;
3.2.20. To organize and finance scientific research;
3.2.21. To establish mass media and realize publishing activities.
3.3. Members of the Organization have no property rights in respect of the Organization established by them. Members of the Organization are not responsible for the obligations of the Organization they established and the Organization is not responsible for the obligations of its members.
3.4. The property transferred to the Organization by its members is the property of the Organization. In accordance with the current legislation, the Organization realizes ownership, usage and disposal of the property of its ownership in accordance with the objectives defined by the present Charter.
3.5. The Organization has the right to build branches, representative offices, foundations, research and informational and educational centers, etc. on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad to achieve the Organization’s goals. It has also the right to release prints independently or together with other organizations and natural persons in accordance with the current legislation.
4.1. Certified law enforcement officers in the service or in retirement, who accept the Charter, without reference to the length of service, official position, sex, nationality, color of skin, language and religion, may be the members of the Organization.
Natural persons whose age is over 18 and legal bodies – public organizations whose interest in the joint fulfilling of objectives of the Organization in accordance with the Charter is formalized by appropriate individual applications and documents that allow to take into account the number of members of the Organization in order to provide their equality as the Organization’s members. The members of the Organization – both natural and juridical persons – have equal rights and equal responsibilities.
4.2. The acceptance to the Organization’s membership is realized on the ground of a submitted application. The Regional Executive Committee of the Organization (hereinafter REC) comes to a decision in accordance with the Charter.
Registration of newly admitted members is realized by the President of the Organization.
A member of the Organization may leave it according to his own will by submitting an application on withdraw from the Organization to the REC to the President.
4.3. Everyone who joined the Organization receives a certificate of the established sample, an annual plastic membership card which are the evidence of the belonging to the Organization, payment of annual membership fees and do not offer any benefits and privileges over other citizens.
4.4. A member of the Organization has a right to participate in the Organization’s work, take part in activities held by the Organization, to be elected to the governing body of the Organization, to receive information about the Organization’s activities, to withdraw from the membership of the Organization voluntarily on the basis of the submitted application.
A member of the Organization has to comply with the Charter, to pay fees timely without compromising the Organization by his actions.
4.5. The amount of entrance, membership and other property fees is determined by the Conference of the Organization.
4.6. Members of the Organization have to pay membership and other property fees. These fees are not refundable upon withdrawal or expulsion from the Organization.
5.1. Members of the Organizations have a right to: 5.1.1. To participate in the administration of the Organization; 5.1.2. To elect and be elected to the governing body of the Organization; 5.1.3. To participate in activities and programs of the Organization and its structural units; 5.1.4. To submit proposals for activities of Organization to the governing body; 5.1.5. To receive information on the activities of the Organization; 5.1.6. To withdraw from the Organization’s membership voluntarily on the basis of a submitted application; 5.1.7. To use the support and assistance of the Organization; 5.1.8. To appeal the Organization bodies’ decisions which entail civil consequences in the cases and in the manner prescribes by the law; 5.1.9. Acting on behalf of the Organization, to demand compensations for damages caused to the Organization; 5.1.10. Acting on behalf of the Organization, to challenge the transactions committed by it on the basis stipulated by the current legislation, to require the application of the consequences of their invalidity as well as the invalidity of void transactions of the Organization; 5.1.11. Members of the Organization also have other rights stipulated by the current legislation. 5.2. The members of the Organization are required to: 5.2.1. To observe the present Charter; 5.2.2. To implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization; 5.2.3. To pay membership fees timely; 5.2.4. To contribute to the performing of the Organization’s objectives; 5.2.5. To refrain from the actions which can prejudice the legitimate interests of the Organization and its members; 5.2.6. Not to disclose confidential information on the activities of the Organization; 5.2.7. Not to perform any acts clearly aimed at causing harm to the Organization; 5.2.8. Not to perform any acts (or show inactivity) which make it essentially difficult or impossible to achieve the goals for which the Organization was established; 5.2.9. To participate in the formation of the Organization’s property in the required amount and manner, within the time stipulated by the current legislation and the Charter; 5.2.10. To participate in corporate making of decisions without which the Organization cannot continue its activities in accordance with the law, if the participation is necessary for making such decisions; 5.2.11. To pay membership and other property fees; 5.2.12. Members of the Organization may have other obligations stipulated by the current legislation. 5.3. The elimination from the Organization’s membership is made by the REC of the Organization in the following cases: 5.3.1. Noncompliance with the Charter of the Organization; 5.3.2. Discrediting of the Organizations by some actions; 5.3.3. Non-payment of membership fees for 1 year; 5.3.4. The expelled member of the Organization has the right to appeal the decision with the REC; 5.3.5. The expelled member is notified in the decision in the written form.