Kirov regional social organization „Police Association“
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27 March 2015

On the 26th of March 2015 police attaché from The Netherlands Embassy in Russia Thomas Knaap and his assistant Alena Marenkova visited our city by the invitation of the Volgo-Vyatsky Institute (branch) of Moscow State University of Law named after the O. E. Kutafin  in Kirov. The visitors were given a warm welcome by the administration, professors and students. At the institute the guests paid a great interest towards the report made by the sophomores covering the life and creation of a distinguished Dutch enlightener - Hugo Grotius. Finally Thomas Knaap made a speech about his homeland, especially about daily service and the problems which usually meet police in the kingdom.

In the afternoon Thomas and Alena were hospitably greeted by the Juridical College of RS IPA Kirov Department, where they learnt the history and present-day activity of the one. The students of the Judical College performed a concert for the guests. Eventually Thomas was asked lots of questions and gladly answered them.

The meeting at Kirov regional branch of the RS IPA particularly remembered to our visitors due to both the attention and beauty of the employees.

A Customs Colonel in resignation, a member of Kirov regional branch of the RS IPA A. Pervakov familiarized the Netherlands friends with the unique collection of head-dresses, arm-chevrons and other attributes of police uniform gathered all over the world.

Ultimately Thomas and Alena were given a tour within the city, where they could learn the history and remarkable sights of Kirov region. At parting Thomas thanked the members of Kirov regional branch of the RS IPA for kindly welcome as well as signified hiss intent on maintaining friendly relations with Kirov regional branch of the RS IPA.


Vladimir Kislukhin

Doctor of law

The Colonel in resignation

Member of IPA

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