Kirov regional social organization „Police Association“
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On October 5, 2023, an exhibition of uniforms of the police services of the world opened in the walls of the Vyatka State University of the KRSO "Police Association"

12 October 2023

The tour of the exhibition was conducted by Vice-President Pervakov Andrey Pavlovich. As part of patriotic education, students of Vyatka State University were told about the history of law enforcement from ancient times to the present day.

The exhibition presents police uniforms from the USSR and Russia of the 90s and modern uniforms. The collection consists of 470 hats of the police, customs, gendarmerie, carabinieri, guards, etc. from 117 countries of the world (today there are 266 countries in the world). This collection is one of the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe, and in terms of the number of hats and armbands of customs authorities, it is one of the largest in the world.

The exhibition will last until December 31, 2023.