On 22.02.2025, a traditional Day of Rest dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day took place
Vyacheslav Simakov, Head of the Kirov City Administration, and Sergey Ulitin, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kirov Region, delivered welcoming speeches. The command for a triple "HURRAH!" was traditionally given by retired police Lieutenant General Alexei Rozuvan.
The participants of the event competed in barbell lifting, bicycle cross, archery and throwing a felt boot at the target! An interesting animation was organized for the children. All the winners received diplomas, and the participants received delicious porridge from the field kitchen!
This time, representatives from Senegal, Guinea and Cameroon came to us for the holiday. One of the guests became the winner in the valenok throw! Pupils of boarding schools received festive gifts.
Thank you all for participating! See you soon!