Kirov regional social organization „Police Association“
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The Traditional Rest Day

24 June 2024

Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that on 06/07/2024, a traditional Rest Day will be held on the territory of the Gagarin children's camp / Zonikha / for members of the "Police Association" and their families.

In the program

Conducting sports tournaments:

Archery and air rifle shooting,

Lifting a barbell / kettlebell,

Disassembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle for a while,

For those who wish, there is a game of football and volleyball.

As always, delicious porridge,

As well as barbecue and vegetables on the grill from the Association's partners!

An animation program in Bulgarian style is planned for children from 10:30 a.m.

The event starts and builds at 10.00, please do not be late.

See you!